Welcome to the Diamond Exploration Laboratory
Our Research
The Diamond Exploration Lab carries out petrological and mineralogical studies of kimberlites, mantle xenoliths and diamonds to uncover the structure, thermal regime and processes in the diamondiferous upper mantle. The Lab also studies petrology and volcanology of Canadian kimberlites and other primary diamondiferous rocks. Our fundamental research in mantle petrology has very practical implications for the methodology of diamond exploration. Most of our past graduate students are employed by diamond exploration companies or continue with academic studies in geology.
Our current research includes projects "Interaction of carbonatitic fluids with the cratonic mantle", "Mineral inclusions of Lace and Cullinаn diamonds (RSA)", and "Kimberlite reactions with felsic xenoliths"
Potential Graduate Students
We are looking for new graduate students who would like to take on the following projects:
- Fluid inclusions in octahedrally-grown diamonds
- Volcanology of tuffisitic kimberlite breccias
- Physical and geochemical modelling of kimberlite breccia formation
Please contact the Lab for details if interested in these research opportunities